I welcome feedbacks, queries, and suggestions from the readers so that I can improve it further and developers should get some benefit out of it. My aim is to gradually make it a complete Code review guidelines especially for C# developers and in next version I'm planning to add supporting code examples and screenshots for much better understanding purpose.
Disclaimer: This document does not guarantee that all the mentioned guidelines and practices are applicable as of today. Therefore it is always recommended to check yourself MSDN, discuss with experts and check other portals for the current and modified guidelines and practices. Also, note that some of the provided reference links might not work.
This is a General Code Review checklist and guidelines for C#
Developers, which will be served as a reference point while development. This
is to ensure that most of the General coding guidelines have been taken care
of, while coding. Especially, it will be very helpful for entry-level and less
experienced developers (0 to 3 years exp.) to refer this checklist until
it becomes a habitual practice for them.
Complete checklist reference
This is only Top 10 checklist
items. If you are interested to have a look at the complete list (around 40
items) please visit here:
1. Make sure that
there shouldn't be any project warnings.
2. It will be much
better if Code Analysis is performed on a project (with all
Microsoft Rules enabled) and then remove the warnings.
3. All unused usings need to be
removed. Code cleanup for unnecessary code is always a good practice.
4. 'null' check
need to be performed wherever applicable to avoid the Null Reference
Exception at runtime.
5. Naming conventions
to be followed always. Generally for variables/parameters follow Camel
casing and for method names and class names follow Pascal casing.
6. Make sure that you
are aware of SOLID principles.
Definition from Wikipedia: In computer programming, SOLID (Single
responsibility, Open-closed, Liskov substitution, Interface segregation and
Dependency inversion) is a mnemonic acronym introduced by Michael Feathers for the
"first five principles" identified by Robert C. Martin[1][2] in the early 2000s[3] that stands for
five basic principles of object-oriented programming and design. The principles when applied together intend to
make it more likely that a programmer will create a system that is easy to
maintain and extend over time.[3] The principles of
SOLID are guidelines that can be applied while working on software to remove code
smells by causing the programmer to refactor the software's source
code until it is both legible and extensible. It is typically used with test-driven development, and is part of an overall strategy
of agile and adaptive programming.
7. Code Reusability: Extract a method
if same piece of code is being used more than once or you expect it to be used
in future. Make some generic methods for repetitive task and put them in a
related class so that other developers start using them once you intimate them.
Develop user controls for common functionality so that they can be reused
across the project.
8. Code Consistency: Let's say that an
Int32 type is coded as int and String type is coded as string then they should be coded in that
same fashion across the application. But not like sometimes int and sometimes as Int32.
9. Code Readability: Should be
maintained so that other developers understand your code easily.
10. Disposing of
Unmanaged Resources like File I/O, Network resources, etc. They have to be disposed of once
their usage is completed. Use usings block for unmanaged code if you want to automatically handle the
disposing of objects once they are out of scope.
I welcome feedbacks, queries, and suggestions from the readers so that I can improve it further and developers should get some benefit out of it. My aim is to gradually make it a complete Code review guidelines especially for C# developers and in next version I'm planning to add supporting code examples and screenshots for much better understanding purpose.
Disclaimer: This document does not guarantee that all the mentioned guidelines and practices are applicable as of today. Therefore it is always recommended to check yourself MSDN, discuss with experts and check other portals for the current and modified guidelines and practices. Also, note that some of the provided reference links might not work.
Code review checklist is very helpful to improve quality of codes. Good points made in this blog on code review checklist. Thanks for sharing.